Wednesday, May 9, 2012

D2 Final - J Clark

Company Name: DGEE'S

Companies Services: This is a restaurant that is designed strictly for dogs. Owners have the choice to either drop their dogs off, or stay and assist their dogs. The inside of the building is dog friend, with not a lot of thing that they can break but enough to make the restaurant extremely luxurious for them (the dogs). dogs are served everything from drinks, appetizers, main course, and desserts. This is the real deal and hopefully something new for dogs and dog lovers to be excited about.

Sore locations: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Ada, Oklahoma, Lawton, Oklahoma, Edmond, Oklahoma, tulsa, Oklahoma Ardmore, Oklahoma.

Target Groups: The target groups are most definitely for dogs. Old or young there is a menu for all ages. This experiment is more so to see how well the idea blooms. If it blooms like we expect well start to expand into other states, but as for now its strictly areas in oklahoma.

Company Slogan: "Dogs gotta eat too!"

Font: MonotypeCorsiva
Size: 20 pt

Commerical Design:im not sure why this is so pixed. because it not like that at all on my computer.   

Package designs:     This is simply the "to go" bag if you will, if the dog doesn't finish his plate.
           This is the letterhead this is sent to all of the dog owners in specific areas. this is simply and invitation notifying all dog lovers what we plan on doing for them and their dogs.
This is the specific way that each and ever letter is sent to our (hopefully) customers.

Web page:
I definitely was going for a clean elegant edgy page. Its simply and straight to the point. there are twitter, youtube, Facebook, and mobile icons which make destinations easy for computer illiterate people. it include the logo in the upper left corner along with the slogan. and powerpoint of media picture of happy customers, and the side bar is actually a scroll that i made.

Store Front Design:
As you can see i stuck with simple, the logo in real for making a type of pole type in front of the building with the grand opening sign and if you look closely you can see the reflection on the pole in the window. I didn't want to add any people number one i could find any the i could manipulate and make them look as if they fit. (shade and all) so i thought if i couldn't accomplish it i should leave it out.

Inside of Building:

Other Things:
The menu of items for the dogs.
